What is a Citizens’ Advisory Committee?

What is a Citizens Advisory Committee (“CAC”)?

A CAC represents the community perspective, as members come from a range of backgrounds, interests, and lived experiences. CACs can enhance the public participation process required by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What do they do?

CACs typically provide input on transportation initiatives, strategies, and programs. The composition and roles of an official CAC are often defined as part of a formal planning organization. There is often a formal application process and

Why is there no formal Citizens’ Advisory Committee for transportation in the Greater Teton region?

The Regional Transportation Task Force has NOT YET defined a formal CAC. In 2023, the Task Force held two meetings (one in-person, one virtual) to evaluate how and CAC could work for the Greater Teton Region. After the first meeting, staff recommended we continue to explore the idea, but focus on project-based steering committees (rather than a broader regional CAC) until there was more work for a standing CAC to engage in. At the local level, there are already many existing volunteer boards that interested residents can participate in; examples include the START Board for Teton County, WY residents, or a local Planning Commission at the town or county level throughout Wyoming and Idaho. In addition, most transportation projects are required to engage the public and report to federal funding agencies on equitable engagement.

This page will be updated as the recommendations and discussions regarding a CAC evolve.


November 2, 2023 Virtual CAC Findings